Saturday, March 16, 2013

Our Current Situation

I promised readers that I wouldn't discuss personal problems on Sarah's Scandals.

Unfortunately, hubby and I are still having a difficult time. This past week is the first week since sometime in January that we haven't had at least two doctors' appointments per week. Added to that, we are having problems with our home. Some of you will remember that we were having trouble with our heating system. With the help of friends and neighbors, we were able to patch the heating system to get us through the remainder of the cold weather. It still gets on the cool side in here on cold nights but not as bone chilling as what we were dealing with before. We do really need to get more permanent repairs made before next winter, though.

If the heating problems weren't enough, hubby discovered that the floors in both of our bathrooms are weak and one has a hole in it. We live in an area where there are rattlesnakes so we need to get the floor fixed before the weather warms up. The hole in the floor was caused by a leaky toilet, so we are in need of a new toilet. I checked Lowe's and the least expensive one is $88.00 which we just don't have. We also need plywood to repair the floor. A neighbor is willing to do the work for us when we are able to get the supplies so at least we don't have to hire anyone.

Another problem that we are going to have to deal with soon is getting our yard mowed this summer. We have a large yard and hubby's riding mower broke the last time he mowed last fall. It needs to be repaired or replaced. We have a push mower but neither of us is physically capable of using it and we can't afford to hire anyone to mow for us.

We also have to get tires for our car before August. Safety inspection is required yearly here and when we had it inspected last August, the man at the service station told us the tires wouldn't pass next time. Not being able to drive our car would be a huge problem for us because of the medical appointments we have every month. A new set of tires would cost around $300.00 but we could get by with used as long as they have enough tread to pass the inspection.

Adding to everything else, Hubby had to change insurance plans this month because the one he had doesn't cover most of his medications. After his surgery, the doctors changed almost all of his prescriptions. We were able to find a plan that covers everything he is taking but the premium is much higher than what he was paying. I'm not sure how we are going to handle the added cost regularly. I was able to borrow from a relative to pay the first premium and we're praying that we can find a way to continue because he needs his medicines. They are more expensive but they work much better than the ones he was taking. His insulin, blood pressure and cholesterol medications were all changed and his numbers are much improved.

We did have a bright spot last week. Hubby finally had the growth on his nose removed on March 7th. We haven't gotten the results of the biopsy yet but the doctor said that he was fairly certain that hubby wouldn't need any further surgery or treatment on it. That was the best news we have had lately.

The fact is that we just don't have any money left to buy the things that we need to fix our house and car. We struggle to pay our bills and buy gas to go to our appointments. I am not asking for donations but if we could sell some of our pens, that would be a huge help. It's really the only hope we have of getting the things we need. We don't really have anything to sell. My computer wouldn't bring much because it's nearly four years old and we do things online that save us money so selling it would cost us more than it would help in the long run.

Our son is having a lot of problems himself now and isn't able to help us so selling pens is the only hope we have.

You can see our pens at: or by clicking the hubby's handcrafted ink pens tab at the top of this page.

If you don't see a pen that you like, we may be able to customize one for you. Just email us at, describe what you would like and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Any help is always greatly appreciated. I know that it seems like I am begging but I am just desperate and I apologize if this annoys anyone.
